Nos comprometemos a ayudar a los negocios a crear un ambiente seguro de trabajo. Para ver el Aviso legal sobre el Covid-19, haz clic aquí.
Become Our N95 Partner
New State and Cal/OSHA regulations require small businesses and all workplaces to have N95 or KN95 masks for their employees. Please complete the form to inquire about becoming a much-needed micro-distribution partner in your region.
Do your part to help businesses stay safe and compliant as California reopens.
Calling All N95 Partners
On June 17, the Occupational Health and Safety
Board approved amendments to the Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) for COVID-19 prevention.
The new language states:
Upon request, employers shall provide respirators for voluntary use in compliance with subsection 5144(c)(2) to all employees who are not fully vaccinated and who are working indoors or in vehicles with more than one person.
The State of California is providing a one-month supply of N95 respirators or KN95 masks to businesses for unvaccinated employees to adjust to the new ETS language. We have partnered with the Small Business Regional Network, local chambers of commerce, local government, trade associations, and labor federations to distribute the supply.
We are calling on all potential partners to help join this effort to pass out these critical supplies to your community. If you are a civic, nonprofit, or business organization that would like to participate in this program, please complete the following form.